We're still new at this digital camera thing, as I said. (Also rather new at writing html, which is why the format is as it is. I'll get better. I promise. This weekend's wedding pictures will be good that way. I'll be all artsy and stuff. Don't leave! Keep reading!) And because we're new at it, not all of the pictures turned out quite as we'd planned. So I had to take a few others.

This is Mary Anne. She got old, too. Older than me, even. Susan, shown with the Tot, got old as well, but I haven't been able to corner her for another picture yet.

Sometimes Timprov reads good books.

Sometimes he just smiles at me. (He does other stuff, too. Very very busily, lately.)

There are more pictures. But they're of people you've already seen in the other pictures. So if you don't want to look, you don't have to. I won't get my feelings hurt about it.