In Which Some Goals Are Set Forth

23 February 2003

I am so far out of sorts, I think I need an entire atlas to find my way back to sorts again.

What I really want is to go to a party with the Old Crowd from college. We didn't go to Beth's wedding last year, and thus we didn't have a get-together with the rest of the Crowd. By this summer, it will officially have been Too Long. It's kind of Too Long now, and I don't know that anybody else is getting married this year. There's nothing like an Old Crowd party. Sigh.

I made a very nice chicken parmesan for dinner last night, with yellow and red tomatoes, but my body was not fond of actually eating it, despite being hungry, despite the fact that it tasted good. Similar lack of bodily enthusiasm was displayed for the artichokes. Bleah.

Goals for the day: work on DBM. Convince body that non-Grape Nuts foods are acceptable after all. Convince body that headache/backache combo is unnecessary. Hydrate thoroughly. Read The Measure of Reality: Quantification and Western Society, 1250-1600. Talk to parental types. Get David from airport. Perform magic button routine often enough to restore internet connectivity.

Breathe. Repeatedly.

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