DATE 2006 As those of you who read my lj know, I spent this late weekend and early week on two things: vertigo and "Veronica Mars," Season One. I have finished with "Veronica Mars" for the time being (pining for August, people! and I never get this way about TV series!), but sadly have not finished with the vertigo. I would really rather it was the reverse. Nobody seems to have done a survey on this topic, but local informal polling seems to indicate that this opinion is more widespread than just me. Let me be clear: I am not stopping this journal permanently. But it's not making the priority list very consistently right now, and I'm not sure when it's going to be. I'll be around on e-mail and on lj when I can. I'll let you know when I know more of what's going on, or else when it disappears without warning.
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