9 August 2004 Okay. It's Monday. I'm still reading Quicksilver and likely will be for awhile. I misjudged my own energy levels when I picked it out, and it is too big to be reading horizontal comfortably. But I'm trying. I managed not to write yesterday, as planned. This day off thing. I don't know. Maybe it'll get easier when I've done more of it. Maybe it'll be easier when I'm in the middle of other stuff, too. Like next week, when I'm doing stuff with Mark's family and then coming back on a short plane ride. I almost never write on short plane rides. Long plane rides, definitely. Short, not as much. I am trying this morning without the cough medicine. So far I am coughing slightly more but am not as dizzy. Which means that I am non-dizzy enough to drive, I think, which means I can get out of the house all by myself, and that seems like a good step. If it doesn't work so well, I can always come home and take the cough medicine in the afternoon or evening. Right? Of course right. I'm still at the easily worn out stage, but as illness stages go, this is not so bad. I'm afraid I don't have a heck of a lot else on the list to share with you nice people. Have a good Monday.
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