Just Tired7 September 2002 Dear hearts, I am tired. I slept ten hours last night, and I'm still tired. (Not as tired as I was when I went to bed, thankfully. But still.) It got to the point last night where Mark and I were discussing what we could manage to do for today, as in what one thing we could manage, and what our secondary choice would be if it turns out we have energy enough to do two things. See, I think I can do three things, actually. Yesterday I went to Oakland, went to the grocery store, and did yoga. Three things. But the thing was, my body had slotted "produce heat" into one of those, so since I did all three of them, no heat for me. So I am now a sexy beast in a black, white, and red plaid flannel nightshirt and warm green knee socks. They're a very bright green. They used to belong to my mom. Just to make them more appealing, they have little flecks of orange and yellow and paler green in them. I don't remember Mom buying these socks, and the one word that might best explain them is "Duluth." But I'm not sure on that one. (My folks lived in Duluth for two winters in the mid-70s.) They might have just been a Duluth flashback for her. But they're warm. Not quite warm enough, however. I'm still cold. So I'm going to slot "produce heat" into one of the three spaces right away. We'll see about the rest. Mary Anne was waiting with the kettle on when I got to David's, so she made me a cup of Lemon Zinger and we had a chance to catch up before she had to head out to get some work done. I mumbled a few more things to David about writing for geeks, which are still percolating in my head, and then I came home and got an insane amount of groceries. Seriously deranged number of grocery bags. We had eaten at home less often because of WorldCon, but we'd also been picking away at our staples, so we needed pretty much everything. So I got pretty much everything. I got enough that it was hard for me to control the grocery cart on the little downhill bit into the parking lot. It was hard to shop when I wasn't hungry for anything because my back hurt, but I bought things I thought I might become hungry for. We'll manage. Right now, anything warm sounds good, and I'm sorry I had Blueberry morning cereal and a glass of milk for breakfast, because it was cold. So I'm going to have a cup of lemon chamomile before I go on to my usual morning white cranberry peach juice. Anyway. Back hurt. Did yoga. Was a total wuss. Seriously. This is not a strenuous yoga tape. This is a yoga tape to make your back relax. But there were points wherein the instructor told me to raise my arms, and I thought, "Oh, man, do I have to? All the way up?" After all this was over, Timprov looked at me and decided that I had no need of making dinner. So I made the salads, and he made spiced rice and poached salmon. It was good, although maybe next time we'd put more spices in the water or else marinate the fish. Rice was especially nice, though, and the fish was good. We just might change the fish a little next time. We'll soon move somewhere that salmon isn't cheaper than hamburger, and in the meantime, I'm going to try to enjoy it. Ahh, there's my cuppa. I am easily distracted this morning. So. I finished The Perilous Gard yesterday, and it was all right, and then I read Donna Jo Napoli's Song of the Magdalene, and it was pretty all right, too. Speculations on Mary Magdalene's childhood. It was a YA but didn't flinch from nastiness. The only thing I didn't like about the story is how reactive the characters were, but these things happen from time to time; some stories are like that. I started reading Robin Hobb's Royal Assassin, on the theory that it would be unlikely to ask a good deal of me when I'm too tired to deliver, and also it would be unlikely to annoy the crap out of me by doing things poorly. At least, the previous volume in the series did not. I've barely started Royal Assassin, though, because I went to bed at 9:30. Sigh. It is frustrating to be this tired. I'm trying to just give myself some time to rest and relax. It would almost be easier if I was actually sick, because then -- hmm. Well, no, when I've actually been sick, it still hasn't been easy to rest and relax. I'll work on it, okay?
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