Before we got to DC, people started doing stuff. Scott was there, and took pictures of it.

This is the big ol' Einstein statue. Good thing I write these captions, hmm, or you wouldn't know. With Einstein, you can see: Matt, Jen, Ed, Em, Marte, (down) Michelle, Scott, (up) Yore, Nellie, Vanya.

They also went to the Mall: Matt, Vanya, Nellie, Ed, Jen, Marte, Em, Yore, and Scott restraining Michelle. (She's not so fond of pictures, remember. Scott says, "Notice how I'm often grabbing her around the waist in pictures. You think I'm just being affectionate?" As a public service announcement, I'd like to make you aware that restraining Michelle against her will is not always wise.)

Ed and Jen hosted us for a barbecue Saturday night, but they had some help around the house from the people who were staying with them. Amber and Em are shown here, cooking and doing dishes.

Lars and Krissy cut the cake at their reception.

Tennille and Michelle.

Ed and Scott do the dueling camera thing.

Rob shows off his groomsman gift.

They had really good hors d'oeurves....
