The next day, we went to church and then got Little King sandwiches for lunch. Little King is a local deli. Better than Subway, although it may just be that I grew up on Little King. Mark was tired and allergy-y, so he stayed home while Michael and Kev and I went out for coffee.

Michael had no coffee when we went out for coffee, but I'm told his lemonade and sandwich were lovely. Spurred by having missed Tim's Best New Crack in the form of an iced vanilla latte up in Oakland, I tried a house latte. Vanilla and honey and spices. Yum.

Sunday night was family night. The Wileys came over. (Half of them are not now named Wiley. But I have to have some shorthand.) Mary brought her new boyfriend, and he was nice, but didn't want his picture taken, and I didn't insist.

This is my mother with my "uncle" Bill. We always say he's "the little Marine Grandpa never had." (Like me, my mom is an only child.)

This is my "aunt" Kathy with my dad. Notice how long-suffering she looks. They've been friends for a long time. Notice how unrepentant my dad looks. Typical? Oh yeah.

And this is me with the closest thing to sisters I've ever had: Mary on the left, Kari on the right. Once Kari had her license, they used to drive over with a pint of ice cream when one of us had broken up with a boyfriend. Or else the folks and Kath and Bill would go out, and us girls would stay home and make Totinos. I think Totinos stayed in business because of us when I was in the 12-14 range.

These are the girls who would catch me watching them fight and eating popcorn. (It was a great show.) Then they'd gang up on me and tickle me until I screamed for mercy. "You needed sisters," they will both say, when this subject comes up. And I got what I needed.

And this is Kari with her husband, Jake. The guy who killed the nun.

Doesn't look like he's up for killing nuns, does he? Looks are deceiving.

This is Nana and Grandma, talking at the dining room table. Nana is Kari and Mary's grandmother. She had "a little spell" last winter -- a hemorrhaging brain aneurism, most of us call it, but Nana calls it "my little spell." So we're even more grateful than usual that she's herself and with us.

Of course, when Mom saw that the camera had come out, she wanted to get a couple of pictures, too. So.

You should know who's in this by now.

This one, too.

The next day we hung around talking and ran a few errands and went out for dinner for my grandparents' actual anniversary. Then, in the evening, Jim stopped by.

Jim was my very first crush in kindergarten. We went through a rough patch in junior high, but we grew up and got over it. A lot of my friends when I was little were my friends because our parents were friends. Jim and I worked that one in reverse. Jim is always full (Hey, that's not an insult, I'm full myself. Intend to make a living by it.) He's starting law school this semester. That ought to be an interesting combination, Jim and law school.

The last day.