Liz and I have been pen-pals for well over a decade. At the end of April, we actually met in person. The first day, we got Mexican food, ran exciting errands (the bank and Target, wooooo), and watched "Real Genius."
The second day, she brought her boyfriend By-Tor down (they were staying with people he knew in San Francisco), and we took them to the coast. We had had a talk on Tuesday about how Liz is unfond of tourist stuff, so when she said they were thinking of Fisherman's Wharf, I thought we could do better.
Evidently, we could. We went to Half Moon for fish tacos and garlic calamari (Timprov and me), fish and chips (Tor), and chicken sandwich (Liz). And everybody seemed happy enough. But they got much happier when we got to San Gregorio.
From the sounds of it, when I said "beach," they were thinking boardwalk and sandy ice cream and screaming brats and flabby people in Speedos. Instead, what they got was San Gregorio, which was lovely and quiet and entirely boardwalk free.
It had also changed a good bit since last we saw it. But that was part of the interest, I think.
I had also never seen a snake there before. Live and learn.
We went to Santa Cruz and got coffee at Pergolesi and shopped for used books and CDs and bread and many other good things, and then we drove back and made gyoza. Splendid time had by all etc. etc., but very few pictures. Which is okay. I just wanted to share these.