After the baptism, we adjourned to Sarah, Jeff, and Amber's house for lunch and family time.
Amber and Lin.
Grandma Gritter with Amber.
(Now, with added me!)
Grandpa Lyzenga has reported to me that Amber is the very finest kind of baby. You can tell he thinks so.
John is one of Mark and Sarah's cousins, one of Grandpa Lyzenga's other grandkids.
The kitties were not getting nearly as much attention as such very fine kitties deserve, in their own estimation.
Well, maybe a little attention. Dave and Matt managed to find some cat-time.
Four generations of the Gritter family, some of them named Greenfield.
Kiera, Sarah, and cat -- Kira is Jeff's niece, one of Amber's cool older cousins.
Sarah, Amber, and Jeff.
I found a crocheted rainbow triceratops rattle for Amber in the dealer's room at Minicon this last spring. Best Rattle Ever.
Kitties are good helpers when it comes to unwrapping presents.
Phil and Deb (cousin and aunt on the Lyzenga side, for those of you who did not buy the souvenir program).
Matt at the piano. Matt is not so much the baby-holding kind of uncle, so far.
Lin will take whatever baby time she can get. It is one of the many things we have in common. We shared very well this time around -- very little pushing, shoving, scratching, name-calling, etc.
Mark with his niecelet.
The last morning we were there, Sarah and Amber met us for breakfast. Amber stayed in her carseat while we were eating but otherwise went from lap to lap, soaking in all the attention and beaming upon her admirers. As it should be.