July 31: Brain Clicks
July 30: Feigning Patience
July 29: Werewolves and Spelling
July 28: Belated Garlic
July 27: Lots of Phone Calls, Lots of Dumas
July 26: Birthday Princess!
July 25: Daunted
July 24: The Problem With This House....
July 23: Solicitations, Fimbulvinter
July 22: PWBS
July 21: I Think Of You
July 20: Welcome To Welcome
July 19: Journalmining
July 18: Definitely Giants
July 17: Minor Domestic Mishaps
July 16: Loud Reports
July 15: Ballots and Groups
July 14: Ramekins
July 13: Five Hundred
July 12: Third Verse (Same as the First)
July 11: Feedback
July 10: Forms of Communication
July 9: Right Track
July 8: Elephant and Beanie
July 7: Half Moon
July 6: Stuffed Bunny Words
July 5: Seven and Five
July 4: Food Experiments
July 3: Not Translating
July 2: Titles Are For the Weak
July 1: Song Nights
See Old Morphisms.
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