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Administrative note: comments on the blog side

Is anybody attempting to comment on instead of on lj, and if so, are you getting error messages? I haven’t shown anybody attempting to comment since, oh, last summer, but I got an email report that there were too many comments in moderation. And I don’t know if it’s that that person has too many comments in moderation in this system elsewhere or what, but I show zero comments from anyone in moderation (and the person attempting to comment would have been approved on this blog, as they are well-known to management and a substantive and civil commenter). So…any problems from anyone else? I just assumed all conversation was happening on lj. Holler at my gmail (which is marissalingen) if you have troubles, worries, etc.

If you just like chatting on lj instead of on the site, that’s totally fine, no worries.

1 thought on “Administrative note: comments on the blog side

  1. I ran into an error message a month or so ago, but didn’t bring it up because I figured I might be the only outlier trying to comment here on principle (since the center of the party does seem to have remained at LJ, and because the earlier comment that would have been still in moderation had whiskers on it). But in the spirit of contributing data points… *pets canary-feathers on this comment before hitting “Post”*

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