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Off adventuring

In the morning I leave for my workshop. It’s the thing I was talking about in this post, where a bunch of people are doing peer critiquing. I love that there are a bunch of ways to work together to get better in this field. The teacher/student model workshops have done a lot of good for a lot of people, and I don’t mean to knock them, I’m just disambiguating that this is not one, this is a bunch of us looking at each other’s stuff and offering ideas. Like my regular writers’ group, basically, only in intensive form.

I don’t actually know any of these people very well. I’ve read some of their work (before the work being critiqued, I mean), and I expect some of them have read some of mine.

So it’ll be an adventure.

Probably it’ll be an adventure I won’t tell you very much about, because critiques are like that. You’re not supposed to talk about unpublished manuscripts you’re critiquing even to say OMG YOU GUYS THIS BOOK YOU HAVE TO READ THIS BOOK, because you can’t read this book yet. So I just get to be smug later, when you can read this book (these books). I will look superior and say, oh yes, I got to that one first. I knew that would be a good one. And also the person who wrote it makes good breakfasts, or whatever it is they do.

In case you were wondering how the vertigo situation is: it is terrible. In case you were wondering how that will go with air travel and a strange house filled with people I don’t know very well: ahahaha THOSE POOR PEOPLE. No, seriously, the great thing about vertigo is that it is not contagious. The worst I am likely to be is, like, parked in the corner of the couch, palely drinking water, which is not my most entertaining but as health concerns goes really could be worse for other people. And hey, as long as I’m going to have a rough go of it, I might as well have a rough go of it trying to do something fun and cool and interesting, right? If you think the answer is no, no, wrong, not at all right, too late now, no one asked you, I’m doing this anyway.

Meanwhile, and the reason I’m writing this: I expect I will have email connectivity and such, but I will not be posting here for the next eight days. So: see you when it’s almost October. Or see you on email. Yes. Onward.

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