As always, please feel free to chime in with what you’ve enjoyed in the comments. I haven’t gotten to even close to everything, so omissions should not be taken as pointed but as opportunities.
Stephanie Burgis, Burning Bright (Daily SF)
Rebecca Campbell, Thank You For Your Patience (Reckoning)
Rae Carson, Badass Moms in the Zombie Apocalypse (Uncanny)
L Chan, Field Reports from the Department of Monster Resettlement (PodCastle)
Aidan Doyle, The Tail of Genji (Robot Dinosaur Fiction)
Catherine George, Calling on Behalf of the Dark Lord (Translunar Travelers Lounge)
Essa Hansen, Save, Salve, Shelter (F&SF)
Innocent Chizaram Ilo, Rat and Finch Are Friends (Strange Horizons)
Alex Irvine, Chisel and Chime (F&SF)
Jennifer Mace, Upon What Soil They Fed (Syntax and Salt)
Tony Pi, These Wondrous Sweets (Beneath Ceaseless Skies)
Aimee Picchi, Advanced Word Problems in Portal Math (Daily SF)
C.L. Polk, St. Valentine, St. Abigail, St. Brigid (
Waverly SM, The Last Good Time to Be Alive (Reckoning)
John Wiswell, Tucking in the Nuclear Egg (Nature Futures)