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Angel Maker, by Elizabeth Bear

Review copy provided by the author, who’s been a dear friend for [mumble] years now.

Karen Memery–the near-titular protagonist of Karen Memory–is back! and since she’s not heading for Hollywood, Hollywood has headed for her. The neighboring farm is the location for filming one of those newfangled moving pictures, and Karen and Priya leap at the opportunity to make a little extra cash riding stunts, wrangling horses, fixing mechanicals, and whatever else needs doing around the set. And there’s a lovely horse called Angel Maker who is practically crying out for Karen’s attention. The movie people think he’s untamable, barely usable, definitely expendable. Karen thinks…he may be the latest addition to their ranch. (I LOVE HIM.)

But that’s only if she and Priya can both get through filming, and with bodies dropping, movie melodrama, and old enemies–not Karen’s this time!–re-emerging, that’s very much up in the air. They’ll need all the help they can get–maybe a mechanical cowboy named Cowboy? Maybe some neighbors they didn’t know very well? They’re not sure who on the set can be relied on, but there’s no way out but through–with some trick shooting and some fancy riding along the way, and a steampunk mecha fight featuring a certain lanky special guest not expected in these parts…. If you’ve been waiting for more of Karen and Priya, you’ve got a treat ahead. If you haven’t, well, now’s the time to find out.

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