Review copy provided by the publisher. Also I know the author online.
Hope cannot be given away to you, or to anyone. Hope is the song which arises from silence where all our voices had been; all those locked away against their will one day will surge again, come forth with great exuberance, sweep the world in a reverberation of rainbow….
Do you need a book that has the concept of hope seriously woven through every thread of it right now? I bet you do. I bet you did even in January.
And here it is, The Four Profound Weaves, centering on transformation, expectation, and hope. This is a story in Lemberg’s Birdverse, a place we’ve started to learn from short stories–and characters we’ve seen in those stories as well. All the things that I have loved about the stories, the magic of weaving air and sand and more, are developed, pondered, iterated here. The desert and the city beyond it, the people who don’t quite fit in one culture or another and have to find their own path, they are all here with space to breathe, to learn to breathe, to care for each other in imperfect human ways and to find their own paths out of the human difficulties before–and behind–them.
I picked up The Four Profound Weaves after reading a long book about horrible people, and it was incredibly restorative. It was fun and gripping and a very fast read, and the book design was beautiful. But along with all those things it was refreshing at a time when my heart needed to be refreshed. Highly recommended.