New story this morning in Sunday Morning Transport: Her Tune, In Truth. Who told you the stories that limit you?
Oh we like sheep
New story out today in Diabolical Plots: The Year the Sheep God Shattered. You might think that the presence of divinity would make growing up easier, but….
In addition to being a story I wrote because I have big feelings about the godkids growing up (yes, another one, there are a lot of feelings to process here, they’ve been doing this for a minute now), this was one of the stories I write when I’m turning over the standard fantasy worldbuilding premises in my mind and going, “Okay, but….”
Books read, late December
Su Bristow, The Fair Folk. Entirely readable British modern fairy tradition novel, not as transformatively creative as some others out there. I can’t really complain about “this person has clearly read a lot of AS Byatt and also a lot of folklore,” that’s my own demographic and the demographic of other people I like, but also it was a fine rather than outstanding read within that group.
C.J. Cherryh and Jane S. Fancher, Alliance Unbound. Second in its series and don’t start here, absolutely chock full of galactic economic politics. If you ever think that Cherryh (now with Fancher) is not doing enough plot in the atevi books, this may be where it’s all going. SO MUCH PLOT. Eager for the next bit.
Agatha Christie, The Plymouth Express Affair. Kindle. A short Poirot piece, the kind of mystery short story that’s just a little puzzle that gets solved rather than anything more, but basically okay if you have a few spare minutes and want to entertain yourself.
Mariana Costa, Shoestring Theory. Romantic queer time travel shenanigans, meditation on the nature of making the world better in cat-endowed fantasy novel form.
Stacey D’Erasmo, The Long Run: A Creative Inquiry. This author interviewed a bunch of artists with long careers, trying to think about doing art over a long period of time. I didn’t end up feeling like she had a particularly deep set of conclusions and there were some points about which she seemed fairly obtuse to me, but it was a comfortable enough read with bits and pieces of interesting artists along the way.
Margaret Frazer, Winter Heart. Kindle. A shorter Dame Frevisse story that comes at the end of the series, so there are plot developments from the novels that will be spoilers if you haven’t finished the novels. Not as rich as a novel-length thing with the same characters but reasonably fun to read all the same.
David Graeber, The Ultimate Hidden Truth of the World…. Thought-provoking essays about this, that, and the other.
Jennifer Haigh, Rabbit Moon. Discussed elsewhere.
Laurie R. King, Beginnings. Kindle. Sort of what it says on the tin: a novella that delves into detective Kate Martinelli’s past to have her solve a cold case that influenced her early life. Not the strongest Martinelli mystery but still fun if you’ve enjoyed the series, don’t start here–it’s not a flashback, it’s “and here’s how the character you like got here, from the perspective of the present,” and if you don’t already like the character in question, it’ll be less effective.
Jane Pek, The Rivals. Second in its series of dating/social app tech thriller mystery things, good fun and dealing with the consequences of the first book. Start with the first one, but I’m glad this exists too.
Veronica Roth, When Among Crows. Fantasy novella that draws heavily on Polish mythology for its framework while still acknowledging the larger world at the edges of its legends’ lives.
Melissa Scott, Burning Bright. Reread. This was written in the same era as John M. Ford’s Growing Up Weightless: specifically, the time when some smart authors had had the chance to play a bunch of D&D and think about social dynamics in and around games. The setting is very space opera, not at all similar to GUW, but you can see that they were written in the same social moment, by people who did not have the same thoughts but were having something of a productive conversation in fiction about the same general topic.
Catherine Shaw, Flowers Stained By Moonlight. Kindle. Second in its Victorian murder mystery series, and the mathematics was far less well-integrated this time, unfortunately. Still thematically present, just not as strongly. Ah well, a cromulent enough mystery novel.
Christine Shearer, Kivalina. Kindle. This book is mostly background information, so if you had no idea how anti-environmentalism has been marketed to the public, how tort law works, etc., this is a good book for you. If you were more interested in the specifics of an Alaska town’s reaction to the threat climate change poses to its existence, it really doesn’t go very much into that, to my disappointment.
Stephen Spotswood, Murder Crossed Her Mind and Secrets Typed in Blood. Pentecost and Parker mystery series, volumes three and four, and I remembered I had not stayed caught up just in time to read these before the fifth one comes out soon. Mid-century women who do not meet basically any of the stereotypes of what women were supposed to be, to their benefit, and the mystery part works for me as well.
Amy Stewart, The Tree Collectors: Tales of Arboreal Obsession. Thumbnail bios of tree collectors, lavishly illustrated, highly diverse group of people on a number of axes (race, nationality, gender, ability, age, sexuality…people just like trees, all kinds of people just like trees).
Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, Elite Capture: How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (and Everything Else). Kindle. An exploration of who gains power in marginalized groups and why, interesting stuff. Also refers to the group below, which was nice synchronicity.
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective. Kindle. Interviews with older Black ladies who were part of the core of this influential group, talking about what they did with the collective and also what they think about the world since. Really heartening stuff if you need a boost to your sense that activism matters even (especially!) when it’s hard.
Emily Tesh, The Incandescent. Discussed elsewhere.
Greg van Eekhout, Happy Town. This is a very broad satire of modern corporate culture and advertising. I hope it succeeds in inoculating some of the grade school kids of today against the cult of the tech genius who actually does none of the work himself. Friendships and artificially created zombies.
P. G. Wodehouse, The Prince and Betty. Kindle. One of the more charming Wodehouses–this is from early in his career but not so early he hadn’t gotten into the swing of things. The plot will not surprise you. The characters will not surprise you. But the whole thing is entertaining, and he could turn a phrase with the best of them.
Francis Young, Edmund: In Search of England’s Lost King. Thoughts about nationality and saint cults, including a bit of the life of Saint Edmund but mostly his death. Not so transcendent enough that you should seek it out if you’re not particularly interested in the era/subject matter but reasonable enough if you are.
Short stuff by other people: 2024
I spent the year feeling perpetually behind on reading short things, and I finished it the same way. The thing is, though, that I would rather shout about the things I got to and liked than hold off because I didn’t get to everything. And so here we are.
Do Houses Dream of Scraping the Sky?, Jana Bianchi (Uncanny)
Testimony of an Encounter with the Death-Mage, Taken at the Canal Village of Po-Endenn, Stephen Case (Beneath Ceaseless Skies)
This Mentor Lives, J. R. Dawson and John Wiswell (Haven Spec)
For Kristen, Who Would Have Turned 47 Today, Melissa Frederick (The Deadlands)
Father Ash, Rachel Hartman (Sunday Morning Transport)
Reciprocity, Valerie Kemp (Haven Spec)
Carbon Cycle, Lindsay King-Miller (The Deadlands)
Evan: A Remainder, Jordan Kurella (Reactor)
A Series of Accounts Surrounding the Risen Lady of the Orun-Alai and Other Alleged Miracles in the Final Days of the Riverlands War, Aimee Ogden (Beneath Ceaseless Skies)
Caring for Your Damage Sponge, Rich Larson (Small Wonders)
Morphology, Jennifer Mace (Strange Horizons)
Pockets Full of Stones, Jennifer Mace (Uncanny)
Sparsely Populated With Stars, Jennifer Mace (Flash Fiction Online)
The Ways the Woods May Answer, Jennifer Mace (Haven Spec)
Hot Hearts, Lyndsie Manusos (Lightspeed)
Further Examination and Capture of Candle Skulls Associated with the Baba Yaga, Mari Ness (Lightspeed)
Letters from Mt. Monroe Elementary, Third Grade, Sarah Pauling (Diabolical Plots)
The Only Writing Advice You’ll Ever Need to Survive Eldritch Horrors, Aimee Picchi (Lightspeed)
Blackjack, Veronica Schanoes (Reactor)
At the Stopping Place, Grace Seybold (Beneath Ceaseless Skies)
The Empty Ones, Vivian Shaw (The Deadlands)
The Weight of Your Own Ashes, Carlie St. George (Clarkesworld)
Amitruq Nekyia, Sonya Taaffe (Strange Horizons)
“Hagstone,” Sonya Taaffe (Not One of Us, Issue #78)
An Intergalactic Smuggler’s Guide to Homecoming, Tia Tashiro (Clarkesworld)
Moon Pies, Taylor Thackaberry (Uncharted)
Skinless, Eugenia Triantafyllou (Haven Spec)
Five Answers to Questions You Probably Have, John Wiswell (Uncanny)
The Great Beyond Commands, John Wiswell (Small Wonders)
I’ll Miss Myself, John Wiswell (Reactor)
Rabbit Moon, by Jennifer Haigh
Review copy provided by the publisher.
The most common reason I bounce off a book is the prose voice. That means that the most common reason I read a book all the way through that I don’t end up liking much is also the prose voice. This was a very readable book on the sentence level. I have no complaints about its prose.
On a larger scale, though…this book just didn’t go anywhere deep or interesting with its premise. It’s about a young American woman who is hit by a car in Shanghai when her parents think she’s living and working in Beijing, and about that whole family trying to figure out what’s been going on. Which they mostly don’t do. Mostly they just flail around being a mess. Friendships and relationships are severed more or less by bad luck.
On the up side, the sex workers in the book are treated with respect as people. On the other hand, there’s not a lot of depth in that part either–and it’s a pretty large theme to tackle without having anything in particular to say about it. I can’t say this motivated me to seek out Haigh’s other books. Oh well, they can’t all etc.
The Incandescent, by Emily Tesh
Review copy provided by the publisher. The author is also a friend, which started because we share an agent.
This is a grown-up book.
There’s a lot of dark academia going around these days, but most of it is focused either on institutions of higher learning or on the student level, often both. This one is teacher-focused. The students are brilliantly done, but they are realistic about being 17 in ways that are not always flattering, that are adult-perspective rather than own-perspective. And the protagonist is not just a teacher but a teacher who has moved into administration–what we’d probably call a Vice Principal in the US, where this book is not set. A Deputy Head.
Deputy Head in charge of the magic department. In the magic department of her own former boarding school. So there’s that.
The inter-teacher relationships are also beautifully done–co-workers with history and texture–and then there’s the magic, which is revealed with the most amazing pacing, every turn a revelation, the small details so important and so well-highlighted that the moments of “ohhhh it’s THAT thing” keep coming.
This is a weird thing to praise in a public review rather than a private note, but–the chapters are so well-constructed. If you’re having a normal adult life–like our protag Saffy Walden is having!–you will be able to put this book down at the chapter breaks, more curious about what’s coming but also satisfied with how the chapter ending went. It’s just so well done in so many structural ways, and then the heart is a genuine heart. Highly recommended, pick it up as soon as you can.
Short stuff I’ve liked, last quarter 2024
I feel like I haven’t been reading as much short stuff this year, but that still lands me with some good stuff, hooray.
Morphology, Jennifer Mace (Strange Horizons)
The Ways the Woods May Answer, Jennifer Mace (Haven Spec)
Hot Hearts, Lyndsie Manusos (Lightspeed)
The Empty Ones, Vivian Shaw (The Deadlands)
Amitruq Nekyia, Sonya Taaffe (Strange Horizons)
Books read, early December
Sara C. Bronin, Key to the City: How Zoning Shapes Our World. If you haven’t thought much about zoning, this is a good introductory book. I was hoping that it would be a little deeper than it was; ah well.
Agatha Christie, Third Girl and Towards Zero. Gosh, Christie did not much enjoy the Sixties! But other than the usual caveats about that crankiness and some attitudes I’d call “dated” if some people didn’t still have them alas, these were fine enough, fast reads, not outstanding, there’s a reason they’re not the famous ones.
Davinia Evans, Rebel Blade. Regular readers know how I love to say “the triumphant conclusion,” and here we are! The triumphant conclusion to this trilogy, with the magic of the mundane plane making its mess all over everyone’s life and getting mopped up as best they can! Don’t start here, you want to start with the first one, but gosh I enjoyed this series.
Isaac Fellman, Notes from a Regicide. Discussed elsewhere.
Evan Friss, The Bookshop: A History of the American Bookstore. This was also not a deep analysis but a fun wander through the history of everyone’s favorite kind of shop.
Matthew Gabriele and David M. Perry, Oathbreakers: The War of Brothers That Shattered an Empire and Made Medieval Europe. I have read a lot of books about the Carolingians, and this was the absolute best of any of them at keeping straight which Charles, which Pepin, etc. we were talking about at any given moment. The analysis is clear and cogent and it never devolves into “and then a series of events, God knows why we’re telling you this except that it appears to have happened,” which is frankly a Carolingian pitfall. This is my jam, and I think it will be the jam of many of you here as well.
Ariel Kaplan, The Republic of Salt. A sequel to The Pomegranate Gate, and you really don’t want to start with the second one, you really need the character and plot context of the first one. Very much a middle book, looking forward to where it’s going, lots of mythological ramifications here.
Robin Wall Kimmerer, The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World. Lavishly illustrated, extremely short, more life philosophy and less botany but still interesting.
Julie Leong, The Teller of Small Fortunes. A sweet and cozy adventure fantasy, featuring a cat and a baker as well as some more traditional adventuring party members.
L.M. Montgomery, The Blue Castle. Reread. It had been longer than I thought since I reread this, but it remains as funny and sharp and loving as always.
Garth Nix, Frogkisser!. A MG fairy tale-inspired quest fantasy that sometimes goes hard in the silly direction, but really who hasn’t had a day when we need a bit of that.
Sharon Kay Penman, Falls the Shadow and The Reckoning. Rereads. Wars and alliances and kingdoms oh my! I had basically forgotten all of these last two books and remembered the trilogy as the first book alone, so this was a lovely rediscovery of “oh right, THIS guy again.” Everybody boo for Edward Longshanks.
Lev A. C. Rosen, Rough Pages. The third in its series of mid-century queer San Francisco mysteries, and this is a perfectly reasonable place to start (although the second one is still my favorite). Its detective has to deal with the murder of the owner of a bookstore that mails queer literature not entirely legally–and has a mailing list that would name names of a lot of his community. This is not a feel-good mystery, this is a very tense mystery, which is also sometimes just what you need, but not the same times.
Arundhati Roy, The End of Imagination. Kindle. A collection of Roy’s political essays from the early 90s to the mid ’00s. This is a period in which I was definitely already politically engaged–for part of it I was reading three to four major news magazines every week as part of handling the “extemp box” for my high school speech team–and a lot of the elements of what was going on in Indian politics were completely new to me. Thanks, US media! The stuff that I already knew about was interesting to see from a different angle–and unfortunately there’s a lot of ominous foreshadowing in this collection.
Iona Datt Sharma, You Are Here: Nine More Stories. Discussed elsewhere.
You Are Here: Nine More Stories, by Iona Datt Sharma
Review copy provided by the author, who is an online pal and has the same agent as me.
This collection has all the stuff I like about Iona’s stories, and you should read it.
Oh, did you want more? Hmm, okay: the thing I love most about Iona’s stories is that heart and head are both fully engaged and connected to each other. This collection has fantasy and science fiction, comedy and pathos, it has different kinds and moods of each sub-genre all in nine stories. There is range here. The consistent thread is how human the concerns are and how well they are rooted in their speculative elements. Nobody is having a romance in a spaceship where the spaceship is incidental–it’s absolutely crucial to the romantic obstacle. Nobody’s relationship with their family is using portal fantasy as a backdrop, portal fantasy is illuminating the relationship with family and time. This is what short speculative fiction does best, and whether you’ve already read some of these or whether it’s all new to you, you have treats in store here. Highly recommended.
Notes from a Regicide, by Isaac Fellman
Review copy provided by the publisher.
Today I was on the periphery of a conversation of books “about” queerness and books that “just happen to feature” queerness, and I need to say: this one is about queerness, it sure is, it is as about it as anything ever has been. What it is not, however, is a 101-level work about queerness. In science fiction this division often points at science fiction novels where knowledge of, for example, trans people is assumed and the trans people are allowed to have space adventures (undersea exploration, dimensions of the human heart, whatever) just like cis people, vs. novels where the author is going to do a science fiction about What If Gender: Weird Stuff, Huh.
Not in Notes from a Regicide. This is a book where it matters deeply to the main characters’ experiences that they are all trans people. It matters to the action plot, and it matters dreadfully, intensely to the main plot arc that is “young man attempts to understand the outside world forces that have shaped his parents.” It matters that their trans experiences are not all the same, both in terms of what’s available/expected from the outside world and in terms of what they want/need internally. This is very much a book that knows that there is no unitary trans experience any more than there is a unitary artist experience or a unitary revolutionary experience, and it’s a much stronger book for that.
Because yeah, some of the people who manage the most revolutionary acts do not burn with a political fervor here. Some of the things that change the world were meant to change it in other ways, or in unknown ways. The breadth and depth of human variety is stunning here, as the pieces come together, as we find out who did what and how it has mattered, small scale and large.